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螺旋焊管外焊缝<BR>自动跟踪智能控制系统<BR>  摘 要 介绍了一种由十字滑块、工业控制计算机、控制接口电路、VIDEO - PCI - XR 图<BR>像采集卡、CCD 传感器、AC4064 I/ O 板等构成的螺旋焊管外焊缝自动跟踪智能控制系统,通<BR>过对焊接过程中的焊缝信息处理,控制执行机构的动作,从而实现焊缝跟踪的效果。该系统采<BR>用经典PID 控制和模糊控制结合的方法对外焊缝进行自动跟踪,提高了系…
  摘 要 介绍了一种由十字滑块、工业控制计算机、控制接口电路、VIDEO - PCI - XR 图
像采集卡、CCD 传感器、AC4064 I/ O 板等构成的螺旋焊管外焊缝自动跟踪智能控制系统,通
用经典PID 控制和模糊控制结合的方法对外焊缝进行自动跟踪,提高了系统精度。
关键词 螺旋焊管 焊缝 智能跟踪 模糊控制螺旋焊管外焊跟踪,由于控制精度高,影响外焊的因素不易控制(如成型不好易造成管径变化,
钢管表面图像变化异常,焊剂出漏等现象给图像处理带来很大困难) ,目前为止还没有行之有效的外焊自动跟踪方法,螺旋焊管生产中工人只能根
1  系统结构及工作原理
本智能控制系统硬件包括十字滑块、工业控制计算机、控制接口电路、VIDEO - PCI - XR 图
像采集卡、CCD 传感器、AC4064 I/ O 板等,系统结构如图1 所示。CCD 传感器装在焊枪前,统一
固定于十字滑块上,十字滑块由两个电机驱动,可做上下左右四个方向运动。CCD 传感器将拍摄
到的焊缝图像转换为视频信号, 该信号经图像采集卡转换为数字信号送计算机处理。利用VC +
+ 6. 0 自编软件对上述数字图像进行滤波、二值化等处理,获取焊缝偏差信息,经I/ O 接口,由控
制电路控制十字滑块的运动,从而实现焊缝跟踪的效果。焊缝跟踪工作原理如图2 所示。
图1  系统硬件结构图
2  焊缝图像分析
2. 1  焊缝水平投影分析
已知,螺旋焊缝f ( x , y , z ) 是满足如下参数
图2  焊缝跟踪工作原理图
焊管•第27 卷第5 期•2004年9 月•19 •
x ( t) = v•t
y ( t) = r•cos (ω•t)
z ( t) = r•sin (ω•t)
式中 v —钢管焊接时沿x 方向的移动速度;
  ω—钢管焊接时在yz 平面旋转的角速度。
由式(1) 可得,空间螺旋线f ( x , y , z ) 在水平
x y 平面的投影为: y = r•cos (ω
•x ) (2)
设螺旋焊缝沿x 轴方向的间距为L , 取螺旋
焊缝的水平投影的一段( x ∈[0 ,
2 ]) 作分析, 并
如式(3) 和图3 所示。
y′= r•sin (2π
•x′)  x ∈[ - L
2 ,
] (3)
图3  X′O Y′坐标内的焊缝曲线
以X′O Y′坐标平面坐标原点为中心,开一个
宽度为2 d ( d < L
) 的正方形窗口W ,W 即为
CCD 摄像头的取景范围,可以认为W 内的焊缝
曲线就是由CCD 所成的焊缝图像。
将式(3) 作泰勒展开,得到:
y′= r• 2π
•x′- r•
•x′) 3
3 !
•x′) 5
5 !
- ⋯ (4)
省略(4) 式中三次方以上的项,得到:
y = 2π•r•x
已知螺旋焊管由宽度B = 1. 4 m 的钢板卷
成,钢板宽度与螺旋管焊缝间距L 及钢管半径r
之间的关系如图4 所示。
(2π•r) 2 + L 2
图4  B 、L 、r 解析关系
由式(6) 可以求出:
L =
(2π•r) 2 - B2 ≥1. 5 m (7)
因为窗口W 的宽度2 d ≤10 cm ,因此:
将式(8) 代入相对误差式δ≤
) 3
6•sin (2π•d
中, 可
求得:δ≤0. 7 %。因此,在一定的误差范围内,可
以在窗口W 内用直线代替正弦曲线,也就是说,
可以认为CCD 摄像头采集到的焊缝图像是一条
2. 2  焊缝的信息提取
本系统通过VC + + 自编软件对CCD 所采集
(1) 根据所摄取的图像,提取所需处理的区域
图像数据。摄取的图像大小为400 ×300 ,为使处
理时间缩短,对原图中水平方向从50 至250 ,垂
直方向从80 至320 像素进行处理。
(2) 对所处理的图像进行滤波处理,增强图像
处理是通过一模板进行操作,模板如图5 。
- 1 - 1 - 1
2 2 2
- 1 - 1 - 1
图5  图像滤波处理模板
•20 • 焊  管                  2004年9 月 
   (3) 然后对滤波后的图像进行线性变换(近似
于二值化处理) 。线性变换将背景设置为0 灰度,
将特征线灰度设置为255 。其阈值范围40 至45 ,
如图6 所示。
(4) 然后对二值化处理后的图像经过Hough
(5) 通过焊缝线的位置计算出焊缝偏离焊枪
点的位置偏差:求出经过Hough 变换后的直线与
的交点A 的坐标( X , 150) ;整个图像的中心点B
图6  图像线性变换时灰度变化范围
(200 ,150) 代表机器人的目前位置,故左右偏差为
200 - X 个像素。图像处理结果示例如图7 。
         (a) 原图        (b) 滤波处理       (c) 二值化处理      (d) 霍夫变换
图7  图像处理过程示意图
3  控制器的设计
该系统中,采用经典PID 控制和模糊控制结合的
方法,如图8 所示。
图8  Fuzzy - P 图
  这种自调整比例因子Fuzzy - P 双模分段控制
4  结 语
传感器的分辨率可达0. 05 mm/ 像素,能在各种干
1  丁雪蕾. 基于计算机视觉的螺旋管外焊缝跟踪控制系
统: [学位论文] . 江西:南昌大学,2003
2  潘际銮. 现代弧焊技术. 北京:机械工业出版社,2000
3  俞建荣,张甲英. 模糊控制在焊接中的应用现状及其发
展前景. 中国机械工程,1996 ,7 (5) :55~57
第一作者 郭亮,男,1979 年生,硕士研究生,
南昌大学机器人和焊接实验室 邮编:330029  电
话:0791 - 8304456
       郭 亮等:螺旋焊管外焊缝自动跟踪智能控制系统•21 •
Vol . 27 No. 5 Sept . 2004
To Promote the Technical Progress of China Gas Transmis2
sion Pipeline with the Successful Experience of West to East
Gas transmission Pipeline Project
Huang Zhiqian (1)
Abstract :The article summarizes the successful experience of
West to East Gas transmission Pipeline Project ,analyses the
existed problem and puts forward the betterment suggestion
from the design idea of large volume gas transmission
pipeline , the development And application of high grade
pipeline steel and pipes as well as the manufacture technology
of induction heated bending pipes and manufacture of gas
pipeline transmission equipment made by China , etc. . It points
out the a great deal technical experience , datum , circumstances
and problem accumulated by West to East Gas transmission
Pipeline Project ,which is a jolly rarity treasure. It should raise
these experience ,datum and circumstances to the stature of theo2
ry and practice through sense thinking. It should take the tech2
nical production approved by West to East Gas transmission
Pipeline Project ,and bring into the standard and specification of
design , construction ,operation and maintenance to guide for the
future practice and avoid repetition work and resource waste. For
the present existed problem , it should bring into aftertime re2
search and development plan.
Key words :west to east gas transmission pipeline project  
gas transmission pipeline  technical progress
experience  popularization
Summary of Gas Transmission Pipeline Construction of Chi2
na Natural Gas
Xiang Qun , Hu Gong (9)
Abstract :China is speeding up the construction of natural gas
pipeline net system and basically shapes pipeline net of the
main body frame among North of China ,Northeast ,Middle
part ,West areas and The Changjiang River Delta and South
of center in China. There are several important natural gas
transmission pipelines that is under construction at present .
The construction technology of gas transmission pipeline also
has great development ; meanwhile ,the security of gas trans2
mission pipeline has brought people’s recognition.
Key words :natural gas pipeline  layout  construction tech2
nology  security
Impaction of Niobium to the Property and Structure of High
Performance Pipeline Steel with Grade X70
Zheng L in , Kong J unhua , Guo Bin , et al (13)
Abstract : The article describes the test and study of mass
fraction of Niobium within the range of 0. 10 % in grade X70
pipeline steel and discusses the relation between Niobium and
0. 5 、σb and - 20 ℃ A kv among grade X70. Therefore it is
confirmed that the rational mass fraction of Niobium is 0.
05 %~0. 08 % in grade X70 used by West to East Gas trans2
mission Pipeline Project ,etc. . It also passes the industrial ap2
plication and gain good effect .
Key words :niobium  pipeline steel  grade X70  acicular
CE Formula of Pipeline Steel
Gao Huilin , Yu Yi (16)
Abstract : It to adopt CE to appraise the weldability of
pipeline steel is a method for project that follows many years.
Through the new definition of CE formula stipulated in API
5L ,42 edition now ,it is brought the new understand and dis2
cussion to CE of pipeline steel. It reviews the function ,forma2
tion of CE formula in pipeline steel and applies scope of dif2
ferent CE formula.
Key words :pipeline steel  carbon equivalent  formula
Outside Welded Seam Automatic Tracking Intelligence Con2
trol System of Spiral Welded Pipe
Guo L iang , Ding Xuelei , Zhang Hua (19)
Abstract :It is introduced that outside welded seam automa2
tic tracking intelligence control system of spiral welded pipe
X80 钢级管线钢国际技术研讨会在北京召开
  【本刊讯】 高压、高钢级、富气输送已成为近年来国际输气管道设计所倡导的一个潮流。对于长距离管线,采用高
压、高钢级、应变设计原则可以节约12 %~15 %的管道建设材料成本。近年来国内正在积极筹划X80 级钢管应用工程
的建设。为了推动X80 级管线钢在我国长距离输气管道的应用,借鉴国外的成功经验,由中国石油天然气集团公司科技
发展部主办、中国石油物资装备(集团) 总公司承办的“X80 钢级管线钢国际技术研讨会”于2004 年9 月15~18 日在北
本次会议邀请了国外X80 钢级的用户,国内外X80 管线钢生产厂家以及科研院所的知名专家,国内管道设计、施
出席了会议。研讨会上,来自加拿大Trans Canada、德国EUROPIPE、德国Salzgitter 、美国EWI、日本住友金属、日本J FE、
日本新日铁和韩国浦项等公司的专家介绍了国外X80 管线钢和钢管的设计、生产和应用;来自国内宝山钢铁股份有限公
司、武汉钢铁(集团) 公司、中国石油天然气管道局、中国石油天然气集团公司管材研究所、宝鸡石油钢管有限责任公司、
华北石油钢管厂的专家介绍了我国X80 管线钢热轧板卷、钢管以及感应加热弯管的研制和开发。随后,中外与会代表进
行了近3 天的技术交流。
为期4 天的会议很短暂,但国内外专家通过相互交流,共同探索,对推动我国X80 管线钢在长距离输气管道的应用
和推动国际X80 级管线钢的进一步发展有着十分重要的意义。(郑一维 报道)
•74 • 焊管•第27 卷第5 期•2004年9 月
stru2ctures a cross slide block , Industrial control computer ,
control interface circuit ,VIDEO - PCI - XR image collection
card and CCD sensor AC4064 I/ O board ,etc. . It is through
information management of weld seam , the movement of
control executing mechanism during the welding to achieve
the effect of weld seam tracking. The tracking system com2
bines sutra PID control and ambiguous control to automatic
tracking to the outside weld seam and improve the tracking
system accuracy.
Key words :spiral welded pipe  welded seam  intelligence
tracking  ambiguous control
Effecting Factor Analysis to Welded Seam Impacting Tough2
ness of ERW Welded Pipe
Feng Zhaotang , Xie S hiqiang , S u Tengtai (22)
Abstract :How to increase the welded seam impacting tough2
ness of ERWpipe is a great problem among the technology of
pipe manufacture. The article analyzes that all factors effect
impacting toughness of welded seam of ERWpipe on the ba2
sis of mass produce and practice. It is indicated that it de2
mands to start to control the quality of coil and combine the
process of pipe manufacture to intensify the quality control if
forming ,welding and post welding online heat treatment for
further increasing the impacting toughness of welded seam
and meeting the high toughness requirement to ERWpipe.
Key words :ERW pipe  welded seam  impacting toughness
raw material  forming  welding  heat treat2
Test and Study on Stress Ring of Nitriding Casing
Yin Chengxian , Pang Weihai , Hu Yanpeng , et al (25)
Abstract :To use stress corrosion test method to study the ac2
tion of J55 nitriding casing under different test conditions and
compare the anti2corrosion with non2nitriding casing. The re2
sult shows that the surface anti2corrosion capacity of nitriding
casing is stronger under the existed technical conditions and
the nitriding tier casing is easy to destroy and the anti2corro2
sion capacity of nitriding casing is lower under the high stress
Key words :J55 steel  nitriding casing  stress ring  anti2
corrosion corrosion
Secondary Phase Separation of Weld Metal and Its Perfor2
mance Effect to Two Phases Stainless Steel Welded Pipe ( 1)
He Def u , Cao Zhiliang , Cai Xinqiang , et al (27)
Abstract :The article analyses equal secondary phase configu2
ration and its separation’s thermodynamics conditions of
metal space compound produced from two phase stainless
steel and its weld as well as its heat affected zone and points
out the separation of metal space compound phase among the
weld and its heat affected zone of low alloy two phase stain2
less steel usually is lightly ,only this problem among ultra two
phase stainless steel of the high alloy is seriously.
Key words :two phase stainless steel  welded pipe  weld and
its heat affected zone  secondary phase  com2
Develop and Tryout of OD 1600mm Cold Cutting Round
Sawfor Welded Pipe
Guo Jif u (36)
Abstract :The develop and tryout of cold cutting round saw
for large welded pipe and cold bend section steel developed by
China first time is introduced from the production equipment
and production process and material ,etc. . It thoroughly anal2
yses the related process and equipment . It shows the saw is a
kind of ultra large cold cutting saw with China’s characteris2
tic and can meet rapid saw off all kinds of cold bend section
steel below 350 mm ×350 mm ×19 mm as well as the de2
mand of welded pipes.
Key words :cold bend section steel  welded pipe  cold cut2
ting round saw  develop  tryout
Pass Design of Semicircle Welded Pipe Roller
L i Hui , Zhang Yuping (38)
Abstract :It accurately calculates the length of each circle arc
segment and beeline segment and elicit the calculation
method of perimeter on the basis of shape analysis of semicir2
cle welded pipe. It puts forward the design thought to succeed
in circle first and then variance and calculates pass dimension
of each stands and completes the roller design of semicircle
welded pipe on the basis of math derivation.
Key words :profiled pipe  pass design  roller  CAD
Application of Industrial Site Bus Technology on Pipe Pro2
duction Line
L u Hongyi (40)
Abstract :Industrial site bus technology is a network technol2
ogy realized site level equipment digital communications. It
introduces the use scope and specialty of two kinds of com2
mon industrial site bus system and Profibus technology and
expounds the application scheme of Profibus technology used
in a old pipe production line. This realizes the site equipment
intelligentzing , integration automation and enterprise man2
agement modernization after applying the change scheme.
Key words :industrial site bus  pipe manufacture  search
Study on Procedure Control and Datum Management System
of Flash Butt Welding
L i Tianyu , Wang Kez heng (43)
Abstract : Procedure Control and Management special soft2
ware of Flash Butt Welding developed integrates the function
of control and management and can realize the three func2
tions of hardware control , information control and end user
management . It successfully applies the real time control of
welding procedure process on large power flash butt welding
complete equipment .
Key words :flash butt welding  procedure  real time control
data management
Discussion on Some Technical Problem of UOE Pipe Pro2
duction Line To Be Build by Bao Steel
Peng Zaimei (46)
Abstract :The article discusses the developing survey of inter2
national UOE unit . It analyses the main parameter of how to
select Pipe size ,wall thickness and grades ,etc. and combines
the status of international UOE units and the demand of do2
mestic and foreign oil and gas pipeline construction. It brief
the performance and equipment level of UOE unit’s main e2
quipment and compare the forming method of mechanics the2
ory of UOE ,SSAW ,JCOE. It put forward the basic principle
of building UOE production line.
Key words :UOE forming method  parameter  equipment
discussmetal space compound
PLC Control of Butt Resistance Welder for Cu- Al Pipe
Zhang Xichuan , Zhang Yue (51)
Abstract :The key of butt welding for Cu - Al pipe is the
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